First, bit of history
I don't think I even knew that Cookie Run was a thing until Kingdom's release had all my Twitter mutuals posting about Custard Cookie III. I thought the game's artsyle and characters were cute, but didn't pay much attention to it. And I honestly don't remember why I suddenly decided to pick it up, other than thinking it would just be a silly funny cookie game that I would drop after a month.
I downloaded it somewhere in June of 2022, during one of the Cookie Odyssey updates, I believe chapter 1 or 2. In the prologue, I thought this all was kind of funny, but I wasn't hooked immediately. The two banners at the time were Crunchy Chip Cookie and Oyster Cookie. Nowadays I have Crunchy at 2A and Oyster at 2* :). By the time I reached the Dark Cacao chapters, which were the last World Exploration chapters at the time, I really liked the game actually. Dark Cacao Cookie and his kingdom are my favourites to this day! :D
Just look at him. So cool and awesome.
Chapter 13 is actually where I sort of got stuck at the time, when my team sucked and I didn't know what I was doing. But Cookie Odyssey unlocks after clearing chapter 14, not 12, as that is when it chronologically takes place. But anyway, I played it, I didn't finish chapter 1, but I enjoyed it immensely. Even though I did not know what was happening or what they were talking about half the time. I think it was at that point that I realized just how expansive the story of this game is.
Anyway, I think I played for about 4-5 months total of this game, and I quit in November during the BTS collab. No, not cuz of the BTS. But because the rhythm games were impossible to play on emulator (at least I don't know how), and my phone was dying trying to play that game. Frustrated, I deleted it, and didn't touch it for 2 years...
Fast forward to 2024, and I'm like "Hey remember that funny cookie game with cool lore? Yeah, that one? Let's play it again." And so I did. I downloaded it again in the end of May, or June, I don't remember, basically around the same time that I originally downloaded it, which is kind of crazy?? Either way, you must imagine my surprise when the silly cookie game presented me with this title screen.
Badass, right? Wait, what's happening?
Yeah, so. The story has obviously progressed quite a bit since I last played, it has been 2 years after all. Some gacha games don't even last that long (RIP Magireco English). This update also seems to heavily feature Dark Cacao, my favourite character, so let's go I guess??? I wished there was somebody who could explain to me what was going on, but I figured everything out quickly enough.
But first, I was bombarded with rewards as a returning player, which was fun, plus the missions reminded me of how the game works and caught me up on new mechanics, which was nice. And I had a unique opportunity, as a "new" gacha game player, to just enjoy the game as a game, not bothered by grinding or being efficient in everything. If you're new, I can't recommend enough to enjoy not knowing shit and being showered with rewards for doing nothing as long as possible.
So I got myself Dark Cacao and White Lily through Might of the Ancients, which left me only needing Golden Cheese to complete the lineup (I have her now :3), I equipped Beascuits on everyone, I speedran World Exploration, which was now separated into Crispia and Beast-Yeast, speedrunning Cookie Odyssey isn't really a thing because of the limited amount of quills you can get per day, but I got through it as quickly as I could to catch up, and man was I by then fully aware of how amazing the story is.
And so I got utterly obssessed. I scouted every piece of information I could find on the wiki, I set out to beat every piece of story content and I read all the stories from the Tower of Records, plus watched some on Youtube which aren't available in-game (add Holiday Express as a Special Story, you cowards!). I was particularly impressed by the Triple Cone Cup story, to the point of becoming obssessed with those characters as much as with the Ancients. Polychampions foreva! <3
Um, so, I'm having fun :D I am epicfranb on the Dark Cacao server, if you wanna add me! No promises that I will always be able to accept people, since the friend limit is so small </3