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Hermitcraft reference for fanfic writers

This is my collection of hermits' speech patterns, habits, characterization bits and small analyses of their behavior that I'm keeping for fanfics.

This is mostly hermits that I frequently watch and am interested in writing fics for, so sorry if your fave isn't on here or has few notes :] Any notes taken from other people are credited in their respective sections!

If you have any more notes, quotes or clips you'd like added to this list, please contact me via Tumblr or e-mail: frannyfranbow@gmail.com.

You can click on the hermit headings to expand or collapse them.




Some notes are by ohialehuahoney.

Frequent words

  • Heeey everybody, this is Etho (his intro)
  • I say/I tell ya (used to end sentences, e.g. "it wasn't an easy task, I tell ya!")
  • Yup yup (used to start sentences, e.g. "Yup yup, so after a long day of grinding...")
  • A-ha! (also used to start sentences)
  • Boy (used to start sentences, e.g. "boy is it hard")
  • Oh snappers!/Oh snap! (used in place of "damn!" or similar words, such as when he's surprised or startled.)
  • Shoot!
  • Ooh boy/Oh dear/Oh goodness
  • Jerk (is pretty much the only insult he uses)
  • Head (in a sense of direction, e.g. "let's head on down...", "let's head there")
  • Take care, have a good day, bye-bye (his outro)
  • Stinking (Instead of "freaking" and the like)

Speech habits

  • Etho repeats things a lot. "It's fine it's fine", "Good eye, good eye, captain", "Nice, nice, nice", even his "Yup yup" is an example of this, though it has become more of a stable catchphrase.
  • In dangerous situations, says "woah" multiple times followed by "ok".
  • Rarely, when Etho has a sudden surge of emotions, anger or surprise, he sounds like he's about to swear - clip 1, clip 2
  • In Mindcrack, refered to Bdubs as "BdoubleO", sometimes "Bdub", before settling with "Bdubs".
  • Likes making mom jokes (e.g. calling a hoe "your mom")
  • From time to time, likes to say things in silly voices - clip 1, clip 2, clip 3.
  • He has a silly laugh (e.g. here and here
  • Feels the need to clarify things that may sound suggestive out of context (e.g. in this Mindcrack clip

Texting quirks

  • Uses emojis sometimes, particularly:
    • ^_^
    • 0_0
    • o_O
    • xD
    • :D
  • Types in all lower-case, most of the time doesn't capitalize names, but capitalizes I. Doesn't use full stops.
  • Occasionaly types in all caps, and with a lot of exclamation or question marks to show emotion.
  • Frequent words include:
    • lol
    • yikes
  • Shortens sentences (e.g.: "I go back to wiring")

Characterization bits

  • Etho really changes in behavior when with different people, he very much copies the way they talk and their speech patterns. He's more chatty and prone to inappropriate jokes with team canada, he's more theatric with Cleo, and he turns everything into a joke when he's with Bdubs.
  • He also likes to compliment Bdubs and his work and then immediately go "he's so full of himself" or smth like that.. he's allergic to being genuine for too long, he needs to break it up with some jokes, then go "just kidding, love ya, Bdubs" and go on with his day.
  • He also has a way of bringing up Bdubs's height in nearly any situation.
  • Etho is competitive, but in a casual way, for the fun of it. The only person he's interested in winning against is himself.
  • He likes to do something and then analyze what he did wrong. He will jump into things, see what he doesn't know, learn about it, and try again with new knowledge.
  • Etho is a perfectionist and has his way of doing things efficiently or nicely and (jokingly) criticizes people who don't do it (e.g.: the corners on nether portals)
  • He likes to suggest people other, better ways of doing things and he shows off cool stuff he can do and tells cool facts just cause. He likes to share his knowledge and make it open and known.
  • If he's convinced his way of doing things works for him, you cannot convince him otherwise. He will only yield if he decides to. (e.g. his desk setup, toggle sprint)
  • He responds to people with a delay/waits longer than normal to respond. This may be because of something with his audio setup or he just processes/comes up with an answer slower.
  • He's very humble. He doesn't like being showered with compliments, and changes the topic when this happens. In his Let's Play series, whenever he invents something, he points out that he might've not been the first to do it. He makes it clear that he's not claiming any discoveries or inventions as his.
  • He loves long-running jokes. The clay that he refused to harvest in his LP, the Bdubs short jokes, more recently "did that make you jump?".
  • He also loves making references, particularly to his favorite show, Seinfeld. A trait he shares with Bdubs is that he references a lot of past events and conversations that only they two will understand, often old and obscure events that happened like 10 years ago.
  • Etho likes to pretend to be clueless, he does so in front of people who he knows will take this opportunity to tease him about it. That said, he is genuinely clueless about a lot of things, making him a topic for a lot of jokes in fandom.
  • He's one to note patterns of behavior in himself and other people, but he only talks about them if it comes up, and by that point he's had a lot of time to perfect his knowledge.


  • So the pixel art's moved over, we've built, like, some fancy details around it, we've got a cool woo-hoo up at the top there, and some danglies. (Etho s7 e18)
  • I am proud to say that I am probably the most humble person. (Etho s7 e26)
  • Check this out, this is my hole over here... (chuckles) It's a pretty impressive hole, I gotta say... It's not as impressive as some of the other holes around here, but it's my hole and I'm happy with it (Etho s7 e31)
  • Whose hole is more magnificent, mine or Grian's? (Doc s7 e21)
  • We're running out of space in our spaceship here, as ironic as that sounds. (Crash Landing, e3)
  • Grian: Looks like I'm the imposter~
    Etho: (chuckles) You haven't even got your box yet Grian, come on!
    Grian: (giggles)
    Grian: Aw, looks like I'm a crewmate, tee-hee-hee!
    Etho: You don't even have your box yet, you can't fool me!
    Grian: Tee-hee-hee! (Etho s7 e37)
  • Bdubs: What, I can't compliment a teammate?!
    Etho: You can, but you have to compliment me first :( (Etho s5 e2) - clip
  • Pause: Stupid slabs!
    Etho: Hey! You respect my people. (Sky Factory e1)
  • Pause: I check my booty out sometimes.
    Etho: You have a mirror big enough for it? (Sky Factory e3)
  • Right now it's just me and PauseUnpause [online], but uh... He didn't say hello to me when i logged in, so I'm not talking to him. (Etho Mindcrack s1 e6)
  • Etho to Tango: Ok, Mr. Game Mechanic Boy. (Etho 9-15)


Some notes are by single-malt-scotch.

His speech has changed a lot since over the years, so I will mark when a note relates to a specific time.

Frequent words

  • Watch this tutorial/genius
  • Ahhh yes! (very throaty deep sound)
  • I'm perfect!/Aaaand perfect!
  • Stupid (as a noun, usually reserved for animals and objects, sometimes used affectionately)
  • I was just testing you/And this is how you don't do it (after he did something wrong)
  • I shreep!/Gotta shreep!/Right after I take this nap!
  • Bdubs always says...
  • There she blows! (about his builds)
  • (Something) job (e.g., build job, redstone job)
  • It was me the whole time!
  • Boy (e.g., "yeah boy!", moreso Mindcrack to Hermitcraft Season 5: "Don't test me, boy!", "I'll show ya, boy!")
  • Wonderful/Perfect/Very fine
  • Gottem!
  • Ouch!
  • Oh, you think you're so funny!
  • Very freaking funny!
  • Shut it/Shut up!
  • Blast!/Blazes! (More frequently in Mindcrack)
  • Dangit!
  • Oh shoot!
  • Kablamo!
  • And sure enough
  • With ease (e.g. "I did that with ease!)
  • Goodness gravy!/Judas priest!/Goodness sakes!/Oh jeez!/Holy Moses!
  • Cutie pie/Sweetheart/Babycakes/Angel (Mindcrack)
  • Sweet angel (used when speaking about someone, but rarely to their face. E.g. "That Tango, such a sweet angel!")
  • Baby/brother (used to call someone, but most often as part of the sentence, e.g. "see ya, brother!", "see ya, baby!")
  • Baby (Rarely calls people this nowadays)
  • Gorgeous/Gorgy (gor-gee; it's basically just gorgeous for short.)
  • I'm trying my heart out/off! (this means "I'm trying my best")
  • Prowess
  • I love ya to death/I love you all to death (his outro)

Speech habits

  • Doesn't say the "g" in words ending with "ing" sometimes.
  • Thicker accent in exaggerated or emotional moments.
  • Stutters a lot. Starts a sentence, then changes how he wants to say it.
  • Makes funny sounds and voices.
  • In Mindcrack, Bdubs rarely swore and he would apologize if he said something that was even vaguely rude. He would repeat if somebody else said a swear word, but wouldn't say them himself.
    Noted words: bullshit, bitch, ass, badass
  • Clings onto bits and inside jokes a lot
  • He speaks very dramatically sometimes: "Hark, the herald angels sing!", "With a passion of a thousand suns", "I hate them with a fervor. With a fervorous passion" (note that this is not frequent and used in exaggeration)
  • At the same time, he likes to shorten words in a silly way, or mispronounce them on purpose. (e.g. Hoimycraf)
  • Simplifies sentences (e.g.: "I make tree", "Etho joined game!")
  • Calls Grian "G" sometimes.
  • Sometimes he fumbles his words and just. Doesn't unfumble - clip 1, clip 2, clip 3.
  • During his "Redstone with Bdubs" segments, sometimes jokingly "claims" common redstone circuits, saying "my patented Mumbo Jumbo T-flip-flop" or "Etho hopper clock".
  • Lately got into a habit of repeating people. When doing this, frequently puts "yes" at the end (e.g. Etho: Am I allowed to answer? Bdubs: you are allowed to answer, yes.)

Texting quirks

  • Types in all lower-case, sometimes capitalizes names, doesn't capitalize I and skips apostrophes.
  • Emojis are used very rarely.
  • Sometimes types in all caps, and with a lot of exclamation or question marks to show emotion.
  • In books, has signed off with:
    • XOXO
    • luv, bdubs
    • hugs and kisses
  • Rarely uses apostrophes or commas
  • (In Mindcrack) typed slowly, made plenty of mistakes and typos. He would use more abbreviations than now (brb, np, bbl, lol) and shorten words (going to - gunna, little - lil). He would also not put spaces after "..."

Characterization bits

  • He pretends to hate being called short, but he will purposefully set up the joke and orchestrate situations for other to make the joke.
  • Bdubs's love language is making others laugh. He can make anything into a joke, and he frequently laughs and jokes at himself. His humor changes when speaking to different people.
    • With Etho it's often a competition of who can make fun of the other better, and a lot of references.
    • With Cleo, a lot of it will be sarcasm, either showering each other in love or insults, no in-between.
    • With Scar, they feed on each other's silliness and cluelessness, leading them to often get into trouble.
    • Both he and Ren make fun at themselves and turn their failures into jokes. They enable each other's inner theater kid.
  • He decides between praising someone and arguing with them based on what he thinks it's funnier in the moment, what will get the other person to laugh. Despite acting very hot-headed on the surface, he rarely gets into arguements with others. More often, he agrees with nearly everything someone says.
  • I don't know how else to describe it, but: he's very passive. Even when initiating bits, events or storylines, he lets others take the stage. He picks a person to follow and follows them until the end (Scar in season 7, Ren in season 9, Cleo in 3rd life, Impulse in Double Life, Etho in general)
  • His loyalty is unwavering, but at the same time, he's considered a "wild card" by some. This is because he's either loyal to everybody, or nobody knows who his loyalty really lies with (a good example of the former is Limited Life, and of the latter - Secret Life).
    • His loyalty transcends universes. Long after the Mayoral Elections and Mycelium Resistance in season 7, Bdubs is instantly at Scar's feet the moment he changes into his mayor skin at the season 9 charity event. He unconditionally trusts Etho and Cleo in every new Life season, even if they aren't allies that season.
  • Both his super confident prideful persona and his subservient persona are just personas, exaggerations, performance.
  • Bdubs is a very social person, he reads people well and he adjusts his own behavior based on the situation and who he's talking to, he trains this skill and he prides himself on his ability to trick people (seen in how much he's being mischaracterized in fandom, and when he lies in Among Us)
  • Bdubs has a pretty low self-esteem, and although it has gotten better over the years, it is evident when you go back and watch his videos from 8-12 years ago. He used to be very critical of himself and make self-deprecating jokes, put other people on a pedestal, while bringing himself down. He adopted the boasting, hyper-confident persona to hide this side of himself and to be more entertaining for his viewers (this persona has become more exaggerated over the years)
  • He is still pretty hard on himself, but it manifests more in him being hard working. Whenever there is a field he wants to be better at (such as art, editing, building, acting), he goes all in on the studying. He's constantly working to better himself and his craft, and try new things. He uses different editing techniques in every season of Hermitcraft, and you can see how, each season, the videos feel more and more like a movie.


  • That's logic. For some people. (Bdubs s7 e26)
  • Even perfect people make mistakes sometimes. Just like me! (Bdubs s7 e28)
  • Perfect? Am I perfect? Yes, I'm perfect! I'm flawless! I couldn't be better! (Bdubs s7 e28)
  • Bdubs: Make me high again!!!
    Scar: We've got road building to do, we'll get high later (Scar s7 e34)
  • It's insanity, and I'm perfect at it! (Bdubs s7 e34)
  • It's cool to be uneducated (Bdubs s7 e54)
  • Weird people rule the world. (Bdubs "I hate moving mobs" livestream)
  • I'm gonna wear my bra and I'm gonna wear my shoes. (Bdubs Hardcore Hermits e3)
  • A good sleeper is a good friend in my book. (Bdubs s5 e12)
  • Aw, dogs are delicious, let's slice em up! (Bdubs Double Life e6)
  • Hey, who you calling "little guy"! He's short-shaming. (Scar Create 1)
  • Enchanting table's waiting for ya, cutie pies! (Bdubs UHC 4 e2)
  • Bdubs to Scar: This fairytale economy that you have in your head, it blows my mind. (Bdubs "Decked Out Until I Drop" livestream)
  • I just moved the animals to the backyard. They're back there somewhere, enjoying a nice place- Trust me, it's not torture. It's just a fenced-in area. (sighs) Sad. Do-Don't be sad, though. You're sad, I'm fine! I'm happy! I'm happy i lost! I-we-- Losing makes me so happy! We don't need that sign anymore, because we didn't win, so we can't give a prize to anybody, and people were really count'n' on me, and you guys were really count'n' on me, and i let ya down! Here's around the backyard, just down this pit down here. The animals are down by the lava over there, that's where i placed 'em, just so you know, for reference. Even my bee's leavin' me! (giggles) It's just leavin'! (Bdubs s10 e3)


Frequent words

  • My god/oh my/oh my goodness/oh my gosh
  • What the heck
  • You know what

Speech habits

  • Grumbles when angry.
  • Voice goes higher when defensive, surprised, scared, etc.

Texting quirks

  • Types in all lower-case, capitalizes I inconsistently.
  • Skips apostrophes.
  • Uses abbreviations (such as irl, lol)

Characterization bits

  • Gem is very expressive, in an excited way. She likes to have fun! And fun includes exaggerating your reactions sometimes.
  • She can be a little sarcastic. Her voice goes lower and a little more monotone when she's being sarcastic.
  • Gem likes to point out Etho's nerdiness, expecting him to know a lot of stuff.
  • Gem hates organizing. Even if her storage room is organized at first, it eventually turns into a mess that she doesn't bother to clean up. She can find her items easy, so why fix something that isn't broken?
  • Gem says she's not focused, she's okay at a lot of things but not as amazing as she wants to be in one particular thing like other people are.


  • Pearl: Look at Gem finding all the big holes on the server.
    Gem: I'm so good at this! (Cleo s9 e1)
  • Gem: Wow, what a nice skull you have. Thank you!
    Beef: I know, i get that a lot (Gem Hermitcraft and Empires crossover ep)
  • Pearl: It's not a Gem interaction without a punch.(Pearl s10 e7)
  • Joel: I thought you're the first member [of the fight club], because, uhh... uh, I know you like to... Hurt people in Minecraft.
    Gem: Uh, w-- I wouldn't word it like that, I--
    Joel: I know you like to behead people in Minecraft.
    Gem: (pause) That's true, that's true, yeah... (Gem s10 e11)


Some notes are by peskyvinot and ohialehuahoney.

Frequent words

  • Hallo! (both in speech and text. This is like his catchphrase.)
  • Cheers
  • Omega (anything) of Doom (or just anything of Doom)
  • I can't/don't believe it!
  • Oh, come on now!
  • Lad/lads

Speech habits

  • Likes to do funny voices, mimics accents.
  • Master of comedic pauses.
  • Very fast-thinking, in the sense of.. He can act on command, be very witty, read the situation and adjust.
  • Calls Joel "Yoel" (both in speech and text)
  • Loves puns
  • Speech habit: tends to raise voice a lot when he is defensive.

Texting quirks

  • Types in all lower-case, doesn't capitalize I.
  • Makes typos sometimes.
    • Sometimes Swedish letters get mixed up in the typos.
  • Occasionaly types in all caps, and with a lot of exclamation or question marks to show emotion.
  • Shortens words, such as "u" instead of "you".
  • Simple phrasing, e.g. "i bring gift".

Characterization bits

  • Whenever he misunderstands something, or needs an excuse for doing something intentionally wrong, he goes "I'm not a native speaker, okay!"
  • He calls villagers family.
  • Tends to be annoying to get attention, especially with Stress, repeatedly calls her name has he approaches her.
  • Big gaslighter: he is very good at it and confident with it (seen in twitch rivals rock paper scissors game, selling empty houses to people on hermitcraft s10, the alarm system he set up for running out of shulkers in his TNT farm in season 10)
  • Stress is very good at seeing through this.



Frequent words

  • In fact
  • Poopy (instead of crappy)
  • Oh my goodness!
  • Well, well, well, if it isn't...
  • Bing bang bosh
  • Ha-jah/Ta-da
  • Beautiful

Speech habits

  • Loves sex jokes and wording things inappropriately.
    • Loves the word "hole" in particular.
  • Loves puns.
  • Mispronounces words on purpose (e.g., "crevasse" instead of "crevice")
  • Takes sayings and metaphors very literally. (look at the first quote for an example)
  • Mixes in smart-sounding words in silly phrases.

Texting quirks

  • Capitalizes sentences, occasional all caps.
  • Uses emojis like XD

Characterization bits


  • So we can get from the very bottom to the very top now in a blink of an eye! If you get something in the eye, and it takes a little bit of time to kinda wipe it out, and it's a bit painful, and then you kinda, just kinda weeping a little bit, and y'know, it's horrible... (Zedaph s10 e3)
  • Hermits! I spy with my super-range-optically-enhanced eye something beginning with U! (Zedaph s9 e5)
  • What is this noise? Sounds like a pterodactyl giving birth! (Zedaph s9 e14)
  • Hanging out with me - there's always a risk of death. (Zedaph s9 e14)
  • I appreciate your body, thank you. (Zedaph s9 e19) - clip.
  • (going to the nether) We're probably going to be in, like, an upside down flamingo stomach. (Tango Create s2 e2)
  • It's just translucent armor, y'know, I like to show my body off. (Tango Create s2 e2)
  • All I need is a warm body who is willing to participate. (Zedaph Create s2 e4)
  • You're CHEERleaders, not FEARleaders! (Zedaph s9 e35)
  • Holy mackerel! (Zedaph s10 e3)
  • So i did what all good redstoners do, and got sad. (Zedaph s10 e3)


Some notes are by peskyvinot, taigarrryen.

Frequent words

  • Wow (often at the end of sentences)
  • That's a lot of pressure!
  • Oh my goodness/Goodness gracious!
  • Pants. (means something is bad, e.g. "That's pants")
  • It's quite simple, really. (said while explaining redstone)
  • What on earth?!
  • *nervous chuckle*
  • That is a good question

Speech habits

  • Apologizes a lot.
  • British mannerisms.
  • Nervous, stutters sometimes.
  • In a conversation with someone he's comfortable with (Iskall, Grian) can get very sassy.
  • Thoughts run faster than his brain can process it. Uses filler words like "uhm, erm, ooh" a lot.
  • When he's met with a hard question/decision, put on the spot, will pause, say "oough", and follow with smth like "well that's a hard one now, isn't it".
  • Makes funny noises.
  • When explaining something, can speak very fast and in one breath.

Texting quirks

  • Occasionaly types in all caps.
  • Rarely uses emojis, such as :'(

Characterization bits

  • If Grian is a cat, that guy is a borzoi. Equally cat, dog and cryptid.
  • He constantly walks around, CONSTANTLY. There isn't a moment where he is standing still, he's always walking ahead and behins, a little to the left, a little to the right


  • I can't see past your massive waffle! (Grian s8 e1)
  • I guess instead of going to the moon, I'll just. Go to bed. (Mumbo s8 e4) - clip.


Some notes are by taigarrryen.

Frequent words

  • Correct (used instead of "yes" sometimes)
  • Scadoodle
  • Flee! / Flee with extra flee!
  • Hello, sir
  • Womp womp (losing or sad sound)
  • Ploop
  • Bits (that's what he calls somebody's dropped stuff after they died_
  • Porkshop power (when he eats pork)
  • Sounds good (when agreeing to something)
  • Happy fun time (often refers to times that are definitely not fun or happy.)

Speech habits

  • Super dramatic and likes to exaggerate things.
  • Lies for fun and then does a little giggle.
  • Perhaps his most recognizeable speech habit is appending funny suffixes to the ends of words. Such as "redstone-ificator"
  • Silly voice when he gets excited - clip.
  • He makes so much noises. Cartoon character.
  • Sometimes doubles his greetings. (e.g. "Hi, hi", "Hello-hello")
  • Sarcasm
  • Calls lava "happy fun sauce" sometimes
  • Calls places "[something] town"
  • He often misspeaks or mixes up words, and then makes a funny sound and resumes speaking normally.
  • Says things in funny, kind of childish ways: breaky-breaky, sticky-sticky, etc.
  • Sometimes calls Impulse "Impy".

Texting quirks

  • Capitalizes sentences, occasionaly all caps.
  • Uses emojis sometimes, like =)
  • Puts actions into asterisks (examples: *runs away*, *cues circus music*)

Characterization bits

  • Plays along with Bdubs's redstone master bit, and says smth like "yeah yeah i know you're the best, i know where to go when ive got redstone problems! Yeah I'm not as good at redstone as you lol"
  • Has a way of bringing up Bdubs short jokes into any conversation.
  • Pretends he wants people to lose (roots for the ravagers and wardens, acts happy when someone fails and sad when someone succeeds), but he actually (not even that secretly) wants them to win.
  • Says he's a control freak and likes to do things himself. He prefers to get minimal help in his solo projects. Doesn't rest until they're done.
  • He is a cartoon character. I don't know how else to explain it other than show it: clip.
  • Often loses his stuff and makes fun of himself for it
  • He tends to be quite hard on himself, but plays it off as a joke.


  • Zedaph: Oh my goodness, Tango, that's amazing, thank you so much!
    Tango: (mocks) Aww you wanna cuddle now? (mocks)
    Zedaph: Speaking of which, actually, we could go cuddle, do you wanna come see something I just built?
    Tango: Umm... I suppose. I mean, if it involves cuddling, let's go. (Zedaph s9 e11)
  • Xisuma: (during TCG) I'm bringing Zedaph against you!
    Tango: Oh no! My weakness! (Beef 9-47)


Frequent words

  • My word
  • Oooooh! (in a funny voice)
  • Would you look at that!
  • Fot the longest time
  • What is this? (in a funny voice)

Speech habits

  • Makes silly voices and funny noises.
  • Jokes about braincells a lot (e.g., "we only share one braincell")
  • Likes to joke about Australia and Aussie ping.
  • Doesn't say the "g" in words ending with "ing" sometimes.
  • Thicker accent in exaggerated or emotional moments.
  • Calls herself Pearlo.

Texting quirks

  • Sometimes types in all lower-case, sometimes with proper capitalization, depends on mood?
  • Uses emojis pretty frequently:
    • :)
    • :D
    • :')
    • ;)
    • :3
    • T_T
    • :o
    • >:(

Characterization bits


  • Gem: You're insane, Pearl.
    Pearl: I'm always insane, what do you mean? (s9)
  • I'm already down a few braincells and I can't lose more of them. (Pearl s9 e10)
  • Impulse: (throws potion)
    Pearl: Why is it not in soup form.
    Impulse: ...sorry. (Gem s9 e9)
  • Impulse: Yeah, not safe down there anymore. We took our night vision, so it seems safe, but it's really not.
    Pearl: Like Australia. (Impulse s9 e19)


Frequent words

  • Holy moly!
  • Huge
  • Or so
  • Galore
  • Epic
  • Insane/crazy
  • Freaking
  • Yes, indeed
  • So, yeah
  • Technically
  • You gots to be kidding me

Speech habits

  • Thicker accent in exaggerated or emotional moments.
  • Calls his machines "bad boy" (e.g. "let's test this bad boy")
  • Loves the word "grind"

Texting quirks

  • Types in all lower-case, very casual. Capitalizes I.
  • Uses lol often, to end sentences or in isolation.

Characterization bits

  • He rambles so much. He has so many things to say.
  • He really values community, see in how often he talks about his friends from the Hivemind, how he reads a lot of comments, and apprecites his fanartists, putting art on his thumbnails and encouraging viewers to give artists love and take commissions from them.
  • He always wants to outdo himself, to introduce some crazy new game-breaking machine, or to out-grind everybody.
  • Has elaborate revenge plans that he never gives up on until they're acted upon.
  • Never follows orders or kneels to anybody, He follows his own path.
  • Likes to act as though he's living in some dark mafia movie. (especially in season 7)


  • We'll see who gives up first: the hermits... Or the game. (Doc s8 e21)
  • This is my hourglass, and I'm gonna fill it with the blood, sweat and tears of the other hermits. (Pearl s10 e6)
  • I'm the goat, I don't bow down to anybody!


Some notes are by peskyvinot.

Frequent words

  • Son of a biscuit
  • Oh my goodness
  • Oh my god

Speech habits

  • Calm but giggly. Deep tone, but can very easily climb up in the middle of a phrase.
  • Calls Joel "Beans".

Texting quirks

  • Capitalizes sentences
  • Occasional emojis, like :(

Characterization bits

  • Generally very calm and doesn't have loud reactions.
  • Gets very sassy with close friends like Keralis and Hypno, otherwise quiet with a few funny remarks in a conversation.



Some notes are by peskyvinot.

Frequent words

Speech habits

  • His nickname is Papa K.
  • He gives other hermits nicknames.
    • Bdubs is Bubbles.
    • Xisuma is Shashwammy.
  • Mispronounces words on purpose.
    • Acacia is achacha
    • Bush is boosh
  • Calls his friends pet names.
    • Sweetface
    • Sweet cheecks
    • Pretty face
  • Compliments other people's faces.

Texting quirks

  • Properly capitalizes sentences and names.
  • Uses emojis sometimes, like :)
  • All caps for effect.

Characterization bits

  • He likes to have fun with his speech. He knows at least 3 languages and uses it for comedic effect.



Some notes are by mcyt-hc-writing.

Frequent words

  • You're a star
  • You know,
  • You're very welcome
  • This is great, I'm enjoying this
  • It's fine
  • Stuff/and stuff

Speech habits

  • Really plays into the Zombie part of her name. Jokes about death, corpses, rotting, etc. - clip.
  • Says things in funny voices
  • When asked a rhetorical question, they answer with a joke or a guess.
  • Generally speaks pretty slowly, occasionaly stuttering when they don't know how to word something. Lots of "yeah" and "uhm"

Texting quirks

  • Types in all lower case.
  • Uses emojis fairly often
    • :)
    • :D
    • ^-^

Characterization bits

  • Makes self-deprecating jokes when doing things she knows she's bad at, example: "it's nice of her to think I'm coming back ^-^" (when playing Decked Out 2 with Pearl)
  • Sarcastic, dramatic, theatric
  • Vengeful
  • Occasionaly swears slip out.
  • Makes suggestive jokes, especially with certain people, like Ren and Scar. Can't always keep a straight face to these jokes, ends up giggling a lot.
  • Goes out of her way to help people, touched when she is offered help in return.
  • Cleo is a geek and is not afraid to get silly. She geeks out over things, and talks in a high-pitched voice when she spots a cute animal, and sings silly little songs to herself.
  • In more serious contexts, Cleo is practical and loyal - she knows she's trustworthy and expects to be able to trust others.
  • Not generally competitive, she sets her own goals.
  • She really doesn't want to ever go "too far" with anything - if someone suggests stepping over the proverbial line (whether that's betrayal, theft, etc.), she will not want to be involved.
  • Acts threatening
  • Does everything the old and trusted way, even if it is way longer and less efficient (e.g. mining out a massive hole entirelyby hand)
  • Loooves trolling people, especially ones with strong reactions like Bdubs or Doc.
  • Very straightforward, doesn't hide their feelings.


  • Ren: I'm gonna put scoreboards for everybody over here, for everybody's times.
    Cleo: Ok, so my score of negative 27 million years is gonna be on display, thanks for that. (Ren s9 e58)
  • The disembodied Skizz head. What have they done to my boy! (Ren s9 e58)
  • Joe and Cleo are in a tunnel.
    Joe: Cleo, you know what else goes on forever it seems?
    Cleo: ...My patience?
    Joe: Yeah, I'm really impressed by how patient you are with me. (Cleo s9 e9)
  • If you hurt me, I'm gonna hurt you emotionally. (Skizz Limited Life e7)
  • This is the graveyard. Doesn't look like a graveyard. That's because I'm missing the corpses. Anyway, (Cleo 9-37)
  • Don't be silly, Bdubs, you can't win anything. (Ren s9 e18) - clip.
  • Beep-boop-boop! And it's sent! Off through the subspace rail network hyper train link thing - Go!(Cleo s10 e6)
  • I'm here with the council of kitties, and we have decided one thing and one thing only: we're not paying Doc any money! (Cleo s10 e6)


Some notes are by lesbopallascat, taigarrryen.

Frequent words

  • Dangit!
  • Piece of junk
  • Jerk
  • Yeah baby!
  • Alright
  • Messing around
  • Homie
  • Dude
  • Buddy
  • Man
  • Baby
  • You guys are jerks!
  • Look at that guy

Speech habits

  • Lots of nicknames!
    • Bdubs is B-double-down
    • Cleo is Clebert
    • Cub is Rub-a-dub Cub
    • Doc is Doccy or Doccy boy
    • Gem is Gemstone, Gemmy or Gemmers
    • Grian is G or G-sharp
    • Impulse is Dippledop
    • Pearl is Pearliepop or Poppers
    • Scar is Scarface or just Face
    • Tango is Tango Top or just Top
    • Zedaph is Zeddlebop
    • Jimmy is Jimmy Jiggles or just Jiggles
    • BigB is Big Bopper or just Bopper
  • He does a lot of "very manly screams" (both he and Impulse, actually. They slightly mock each other for it)

Texting quirks

  • Tries to type properly, capitalized letters, punctuation and all. But does so veeery. Very slowly

Characterization bits

  • I can't stress this enough: he's very supportive and affectionate. He'll always go out of his way to compliment somebody on their joke, build, character traits, acts.
  • He goes along with the bits, but even if the bit is to mock someone he'll eventually say something like "love ya".
  • Can boss around people sometimes
  • He's a cartoon character as much as Tango and Zed are.
  • He shares a surprising amount of speech habits with Impulse, which makes sense with how long they've known each other. They borrow each other's sayings sometimes.


  • Impulse: Don't you go dying on me!
    Skizz: Don't tell me what to do! (Minecraft Skyblock but it's Ultra Hardcore e3)


Frequent words

  • Crushed it (i.e. done something very well)
  • Man

Speech habits

  • He does a lot of "very manly screams" (both he and Skizz, actually. They slightly mock each other for it)
  • He shares a surprising amount of speech habits with Skizz, which makes sense with how long they've known each other. They borrow each other's sayings sometimes.

Texting quirks

  • All lower-case, occasional emojis like :D
  • Occasionally simplifies sentences, e.g. "you crazy"

Characterization bits


  • It's very selfish of you to not let me be selfish! (Minecraft Skyblock but it's Ultra Hardcore e3)


Some notes are by taigarrryen and ohialehuahoney.

Frequent words

  • NooOOOOOOO!!!
  • Nope
  • Wicked (meaning cool)

Speech habits

  • High-pitched screams.
  • He likes to pretend he's dumb ("1... 2... 3... *silence* what's after 3?", "I can't read!")
  • He's so used to saying “Scar NO” so much that he accidently almost says it to others.
  • Rather frequently references memes in his speech.

Texting quirks

  • All lower-case.

Characterization bits

  • Absolutely goes in on the bits and doesn't let go of them.
  • Even though he's seen as chaotic and constantly starting conflicts (which he kind of is, to be fair), he goes out of his way to help people and to compensate whatever might've been lost or destroyed after one of his pranks.
  • Although it doesn't always seem like it, he's very responsible and can be extremely reasonable. It's all fun and games to him untill there's a serious matter that needs to be sorted out. The leadership in groups often naturally goes to him, and he seems to be comfortable with it.
  • He's stubborn. He's sooo stubborn.
  • Sarcastic and sassy, likes to tease and mess with people. Sometimes he's a bit of a Karen, sometimes he's a bit of a stereotypical classy englishman. Quick-witted. Pranks people a lot.
  • Sometimes enjoys being overly-dramatic
  • He's smart and very sly. Mind-games seem to be his favorite kind of games. Good liar, although lying makes him nervous.
  • He seems pretty socially active, but sometimes you can clearly see his energy draining after a while (especially in big groups of people). Whenever he interacts with someone who's streaming, he does so exclusively via game chat.
  • I don't know how to describe it, but he's literally a cat.
  • When he lies or pretends, his voice gets that tiny bit quieter or lower, he tries to act as casually as possible, and pretends he doesn't understand what you're talking about.
  • He has a running bit where he avoids problems instead of dealing with them, the most famous (or infamous) example of this is where he never finishes the back of his building.


  • See, this is why thinking's dangerous. It gives you more work. (Grian s7 e38)
  • And that's led to my biggest mistake... Thinking. (Grian s7 e41)
  • Reading got me killed! (Grian s7 e49)
  • You don't need fancy sparkly things to have a nice booty. It's all in the texture. (Grian s9 e2)
  • My default is stupid. (Grian s9 e3)
  • They say the eyes are the window to the soul, but it would appear Bdubs's eyes are the window to a rather empty building. (Grian s7 e72)
  • I have all the bits of Bdubs's eyes. (Grian s7 e72)
  • First of all, we need to put baby boy Bdubs's face back up on the roof. (Grian s7 e73)
  • Grian: Looks like I'm the imposter~
    Etho: (chuckles) You haven't even got your box yet Grian, come on.
    Grian: (giggles)
    Grian: Aw, looks like I'm a crewmate, tee-hee-hee!
    Etho: You don't even have your box yet, you can't fool me!
    Grian: Tee-hee-hee! (Etho s7 e37)
  • It's all fun until you need three braincells instead of two. (Pearl Double Life e4)


Some notes are by taigarrryen.

Frequent words

  • Why hello there! (His intro, used in conversations too)
  • Amuayzing!
  • Ooh-ho-ho-hooooh!!
  • You rapscallion!/You sneak!
  • No no no no!!
  • Freaking
  • Oh shoot

Speech habits

  • A little giggle between phrases
  • Stumbles on his words (especially when panicked or emotional), mispronounces words
  • When getting scared or interrupted in the middle of speaking, he doesn't stop the word but instead screams it ("What is that white fl--- *gets attacked by a zombie* --aaAAAAG???!") - clip.
  • Loves suggestive jokes (e.g. "that's what she said")
  • Has so much respect for Etho, asks him for advice or how to do things efficiently in Minecraft.
  • Doesn't shy away from joking about his disability.
  • The Star Wars and Disney rants.
  • Lately has started calling his friends silly, somewhat childish names.
  • Skizz is Skizzie-wizzie, skizzie-lizzie or Skizz-skizz.
  • Tango is Tang-tang.

Texting quirks

  • Capitalizes sentences, but not always properly. Sometimes a random word is capitalized but a name isn't, sometimes "capitalizes" caps (e.g. "wHAT!")

Characterization bits

  • Very expressive and emotional.
  • He tends to be quite careless and pay little attention to his surroundings, causing him to frequently die and lose his stuff (tho this is also because he is generally pretty clumsy). He's also easy to jumpscare.
  • Pretends to be more clueless than he actually is. Usually it's mostly for comedic effect, but in more serious settings (such as the Life Series), he uses it to his advantage, hiding his cunning side under the silly exterior. (Be careful not to overindulge in either of these sides of him; they are both equal, balanced parts of his character.)
  • Generaly not very good at describing what he means, may use silly metaphors to get his point across.
  • He lies. He just straight up lies sometimes for no other reason other than it's funny.
  • Sometimes it's the kind of lie where you don't reveal the necessary context. So he'll say "I'll destroy the mountain" but doesn't mention which mountain.
  • Scar is so strong. His will is just unbreakable.
  • Is always seeking approval of people he respects (Grian, Etho, Impulse)
  • Has the strongest opinions and convictions on the silliest of things


  • Cub, I was killed by colors! (Cub s9 e63)
  • If I didn't love you, I'd barbeque you. Well, I suppose that's what unconditional love is, keeps you from barbequing your loved ones. (Scar s9 e11)
  • Bdubs: Make me high again!!!
    Scar: We've got road building to do, we'll get high later. (Scar s7 e34)
  • Hermits have been stripping in my room again. (Scar s9 e8)
  • As a horn bro, I have got to announce myself if someone horns. (Scar Double Life e1)
  • Guys, Skizz wants to kidnap me, and I wanna go with him because he's funny! (Skizz Limited Life e7)
  • Let's freaking go into Doc's big hole let's do it!!! (Scar s9 e37)
  • I think I banged it too many times! (Scar s9 e37)
  • I absolutely loved trains all my life, so I'm living my dream here! Always wanted a backyard rail, where I could just.. Roll around on the backyard, on mah train! I roll around these days, but just no train, unfortunately. (Scar s10 e4)
  • It was easy-peezy-lemon-sneezy-squeezies. (Scar s10 e4)
  • I cannot stand for it! Metaphorically. i can't stand for anything. (Scar s10 e6)


Frequent words

  • You hate to see it/You love to see it!
  • Quite (e.g. "quite like", "quite a long while", "quite excited")
  • Monstrosity
  • Dude
  • My friends

Speech habits

  • Always calls hopper clocks "Etho hopper clock" and filters "Impulse filters", because he's soooo proud his friends invented this crazy smart redstone thingies <3

Texting quirks

  • Uses emojis often
    • :D
    • <3
    • o/
  • Abbreviations like wb

Characterization bits


  • The plan didn't quite go to plan. (Doc s8 e2)


Frequent words

  • Ladies and gentlemen
  • Cheers
  • Appreciate it, man

Speech habits

Texting quirks

Characterization bits


  • Some men just wanna watch the world burn. In that case, not really burn, but just be minorly inconvenienced for no apparent reason. (Cub s9 e2)
  • We're trying to get into the mind of Bdubs, which is a wild and wacky place (Cub s9 e8)


Some notes are by cactusringed.

Frequent words

  • Holy moly!
  • Gosh/Oh my gosh
  • Lad/lads
  • For goodness sakes!
  • Lovely-jubbly
  • Bam!

Speech habits

  • The neck kissing bit.
  • Breaks fourth wall, often while sounding monotone and unimpressed
  • Calls Lizzie and Jimmy "babe" sometimes
  • He has that very specific snicker when hes being a rascal, he laughs very quick and high pitched.
  • When he's flustered or mad, he starts blubbering in a high pitched voice.

Texting quirks

  • All lower-case.
  • Keysmash when emotional

Characterization bits

  • Much sarcasm



Some notes are by peskyvinot and artsy-book.

Frequent words

  • Goodness gracious/Oh my world/Oh my days
  • Terrific
  • My friend

Speech habits

  • British mannerisms
  • Chill, calm tone, but gets amused/surprised easily, then turns into giggles.
  • Has smartly placed pauses to think of what to say next, how to phrase it, without other pauses for "uhm"s and such
  • He can be very sassy and sarcastic, especially when talking with people like Cleo or when talking to chat when streaming.
  • He sort of fumbles his words sometimes, like saying "phat bird" instead of "phat parrot" (xisuma's episode 1082).
  • He makes lots of panic noises and quick "no-no-no-no-no" sometimes when caving or going to the end, or in any situation where he is taking damage and could die.

Texting quirks

  • Uses this emoji :-)
  • Doesn't always type with proper capitalization, sometimes it's all lowercase, and sometimes it's proper capitalization.

Characterization bits



Frequent words

  • Geezer (that's what she calls villagers, but also Iskall)

Speech habits

  • British mannerisms
  • Skips the "g" in "ing"
  • Says "me" instead of "my"

Texting quirks

  • All lower case, doesn't capitalize I
  • Occasional typos and intentionally misspelled words (e.g. "wenever", "wil")
  • Many shortened words
    • "av" instead of "have"
    • "u" instead of "you" and "ur" instead of "your" or "you're"
    • "c" instead of "see"
    • skips the "g" in "ing" (e.g., "doin", "givin")
    • "b" instead of "be"
    • "yea" instead of "yeah"
    • "me" instead of "my"
    • "jus" instead of "just"
  • Uses emojis often
    • :D
    • <3

Characterization bits
